ENG. Boris Shoel

Team head in road design. Holds a degree in civil engineering since 1985 – owns an engineer license in the field of civil engineering in roads and pathways, specializes in the design of a wide variety of projects in Israel in the field of civil engineering. Early and detailed design of municipal and interurban road layouts and of interchanges, land development design along with rural settlements.
During his work he has planned many projects, such as:
-Road number 1, from interchange Hemed to interchange 1/9 in the length of 7 km including 3 interchanges.
-Road number 431 eastern part, in the length of 10 km including 2 interchanges.
-Interchange 4-20 (Beit Hanina)
-Mi Ami interchange on road 65
Boris participated in many projects, of railways like railway Rishonim, railway Be’er Sheva-Ashqelon, railway Be’er Sheva – Ramat Hovav and more…