A number of stations were designed by Pakatz engineering, including the first underground station in Israel – Modein Merkaz station.
Railroad station Modein Merkaz
Investor: Israeli Railways
Operating contractor: Shafir company
Design period: 2004 – 2007
Cost of design: approx 150,000,000.00 NIS
General Data:
Length of tunnel: approx 45.0 m
Width: up to 30.0m
Train field: approx 7000.0 m² (upper part)
דרך מנחם בגין 52,
תל אביב – יפו, ישראל
טלפון: 03-7916916
פקס: 03-7916917
ד.אלקטרוני: orly@pakatz.co.il